Dr. Richard Rooke


Dr. Richard Rooke

Policy analysis at EU and national levels 

the relationship between private and public sectors

media, communication and society

EU security and policing

(2017)"International Threat Scenarios - Courses of action and patterns of reaction by relevant political actors"​ , (pp 1- 81) fully updated extended new edition ; © 2017 HWR Berlin

(2016) "European Media in the Digital Context: analysis and approaches updated 2016", Friday, 4 March 2016, Media Center, Belgrade, Serbia.(OSCE supported)

(2015) "Media as a Critical Ethical Infrastructure: pluralism, propaganda and politics."​ Media and Communication II issue 3 June 2015 ISSN 2336-9981 pp13-38

(2014) "The crisis in journalism: fact or fiction?"​, for Media and Communication/Mediji i komunikacije , Montenegro, No.1, 2014, pp. 13-32. ISSN 2336-9981

(2014) "Protection of critical infrastructure from an international perspective"​, pp. 95-120 in Baller O. (Ed), Security Management International, HWR Berlin.ISBN 978-3-8305-3302-3

(2014) "Digital Age: Politics, Society and Security"​, pp. 121-150 in Baller O. (Ed), Security Management International, HWR Berlin.ISBN 978-3-8305-3302-3

(2014) "The public sector becoming more business like in a globalizing world?"​, in Wetherly and Otter, 3rd edition , The Business Environment, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-966138-1

(2013) "International Threat Scenarios"​ , with Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Jaschke (pp1-50) ; © 2013 HWR Berlin;

(2011) 'Europski Mediji u Digitalnom Dobu'​ (Tr, Dorde Trajkovic - from Ricard Ruk). ISBN 978-86-7102-407-5;

(2009) 'European media in the Digital Age: analysis and approaches', published by Pearson Education ISBN 978-1-4058-2197-1

Member of the Institution of Fire Engineers (Grad.IFire.E)