Mariya Serafimova
Mariya Serafimova is a Legal Assistant to the German Advocate General at the CJEU. Formerly, she was an associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP in the firm’s Berlin office. She was a member of the antitrust, competition and trade practice group and in European and German antitrust and competition law, merger control law as well as foreign investment law. Mariya Serafimova is a German qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwältin). Mariya Serafimova completed her legal studies at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Before joining Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, she completed her legal training at the Higher Regional Court of Brandeburg and worked as a trainee at the European Commission DG Competition, the Federal Cartel Office and the European Court of Justice. She also worked as an academic research assistant at the Jean-Monnet-Chair of European Law at the Viadrina University for Professor Pechstein, for an international litigation law firm and for Freshfields’ office in Berlin. Mariya Serafimova writes a doctoral thesis on European competition law with Professor Christoph Brömmelmeyer at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). In addition, she is an author in a number of publications in the field of European competition law, including the renowned Münchener Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht and Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht.
- March 2023: Article “Nachhaltigkeitskooperationen unter Wettbewerbern – an der Grenze zwischen Effizienzen und „grünen“ Kartellen“, in: Logistik und Recht, 2023, pp. 25-32
- January 2023: Article “Circular supply chains – where the need for coordination meets competition law”, together with Dr. Julia Hörnig, in: European Journal of Consumer Law (Revue européenne de droit de la consummation), 2022/3, pp. 69-85
- January 2023: Article “A Small Group of Thoughtful Consumers Can Change The World”, in: Kartellrecht in der Zeitenwende, Alexander Kirk, Philipp Offergeld, Tristan Rohner (eds.), pp. 321-328, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023
- December 2022: Article “Regulierung zwischen Datenmacht und digitaler Autonomie“, together with Advocate General Juliane Kokott, in: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 12/2022, available at: under the doc-ID WUW1423193.
- December 2022: Article “Sustainability agreements in competition law – the fine line between consumers washing “green” and “greenwashing” cartels”, in: European Journal of Consumer Law (Revue européenne de droit de la consummation), 2022/3, pp. 317-328
- August 2022: Article “AGENDA 2025: Eine kleine Gruppe nachdenklicher Verbraucher kann die Welt verändern”, D’Kart Blog,
- April 2022: Podcast “Solidarity in Trade”, together with Prof. Dr. Maria Fusaro and Dr. Julia Hörnig, available at
- March 2022: Commentary on the EU Rescue and Restructuring Guidelines in State aid law, in Münchener Kommentar zum Beihilfenrecht, Vol. 5, 2022, together with Merit Olthoff
- February 2022: Article “Blockchains as a black box? The blockchain and Art. 101 TFEU”, in: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2022, pp. 62-68, together with Dr. Uwe Salaschek and Julian Stadler
- October 2021: Article “Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs) at the heart of the new EU industrial strategy: what to expect for the green and digital transition of the EU economy” in Environmental Liability - Law, Policy and Practice - Volume 26 - Issue 5 and 6 together with Merit Olthoff and Jonas Levermann
- December 2020: Blog post "(Re-)Shaping EU State aid rules for a green transition: The European Commission opens a new public consultation on the IPCEI framework", together with Dr Thomas Lübbig, Merit Olthoff and Jonas Levermann, Freshfields' Sustainability Blog
- October 2020: Blog post "The European Commission adopts revised State aid Guidelines in relation to its Emissions Trading System", with Dr Thomas Lübbig, Merit Olthoff and Jonas Levermann, Freshfields' Sustainability Blog
- September 2020: Blog post "Margrethe's Master Key: The European Commission's proposal for a New Competition Tool", together with Dr Thomas Lübbig, Tone Oeyen and Frederick Soames, Freshfields' Digital Blog
- January 2020: Note "The German Federal Court of Justice provides guidance on the requirements for establishing liability and the assessment of evidence in cartel damages cases (Schienenkartell II)", together with Christopher Sickinger, e-competitions, 28 January 2020
- February 2019: Article “Pricing algorithms in the light of Art. 102 TFEU”, together with Dr. Uwe Salaschek, WuW 2019, p. 118-122
- June 2018: Article "He who seeks, finds (if he can): price comparison machine prohibition in the selective distribution system after 'ASICS'" together with Dr Lilly Fiedler, NZKart 2018, pp. 252 – 256
- January 2018: Article "Pricing algorithms in the light of Art. 101 TFEU - innovation of price competition or grey area under antitrust law?", together with Dr. Uwe Salaschek, WuW 2018, pp. 8 - 17
- December 2017: Note on Case C-230/16 (Coty), e-competitions, 12/2017
- April 2016: Note on Case C-74/14 (Eturas), DeLuxe 2016
- February 2016: Note on the judgment of OLG Frankfurt of 22.12.2015, in e-Competitions, 2/2016
- November 2015: Note on Case C-194/14 P (AC Treuhand), DeLuxe 2015
- March 2015: Article "Directive Private Enforcement - L'Union europeene depasse-t-elle les bornes", La Semaine juridique, 2015, Paris, together with Prof. Emmanuel Jeuland and Prof. Christoph Brömmelmeyer
- December 2014: Article "New Damages Law for Antitrust Infringements - the EU Directive on Damages Actions" together with Dr Florian Haus, Betriebsberater 2014, pp. 2883-2890
- December 2014: Note on Case C-42/11 (Lopes Da Silva Jorge), DeLuxe 2014
- September 2014: Note on Case C-557/12 (Kone), DeLuxe 2014
- May 2014: Note on Case C-399/11 (Melloni), DeLuxe 2014
- February 2014: Article "European Law Case - The Free Movement Company", together with Prof. Dr. Matthias Pechstein, Juristische Ausbildung 2014, pp. 203-209